Spread the word…Save the Bees

copyright Lismore Paper

Sweet pollinators. These hard workers certainly know how to put food on our table. From apples to zucchini’s, even the pumpkin in our pies, we must thank them. Did you know, without bees, pollination doesn’t happen, and zucchini buds literally die on the vine. It’s nature’s finest work. Honey.com is one of my favorite sites. As part of their pollen-collecting duties, bees also pollinate at least 80 percent of the food crops we rely on for sustenance. Without bees, many of these crops would not produce fruit, which means no more food for us. This is why it is crucial for bees to not only survive, but also to thrive for their hive. Life depends on their efficient foraging activities, which produces important medicinal foods like honey, bee pollen, and royal jelly.

Since the beginning of the year, I have taken a conscious effort to eat natural foods. I no longer consume the amount of processed foods I had before, shopping on the outside aisles in the grocery store. It has been one of the most challenging things I have done, especially cutting out the baked goods. Instead, I reach for more natural sweets, which include local honey. A little bit goes a long way. Even though it is still considered sugar, its a superfood. The wellness benefits of honey are incredible with amino acids, protein, enzymes, vitamins, and minerals. So, if you are near mid to northern Michigan and have bee products, I’d love to hear from you.

I created the above art for a new line I am currently working on. I hope to offer products soon with this design. So next time you see a bee in your garden, or around your home, think twice before shooing it away. These little creatures do amazing work. So spread the word…save the bees!

copyright Lismore Paper

Much love,


72 thoughts on “Spread the word…Save the Bees

  1. Beautiful artwork as ever, and such an important message. I too avoid processed foods. It just makes sense to eat seasonal, locally produced food,m where possible, and to put thought into our choices as a consumer. It makes me really cross that the U.K. imports apples from NZ when we have the perfect climate and wonderful apple varieties that often go unpicked. Such a waste of the Earth’s resources!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you! I agree, eating seasonal and locally keeps us healthy. We have the same issues here in the US. You do have a brilliant climate to grow locally. I am so excited for our local market to open back up. I can imagine you have wonderful local producers in the warm months. 💕🌻


  2. I love this post. In the St. Patrick’s Day parade in St. Louis, my daughter and her boyfriend were part of the St. Louis Botanical Gardens annual float. They dressed as bees, rode on tricycles, and threw “pollen” (confetti) into the crowd. They were the ‘Pollinators’ and my daughter, being the only female, was crowned as the ‘Queen Bee.’ They are very active with the botanical gardens (he works there, actually), and they loved being bees.

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    1. I bet that workshop was phenomenal! That had to be so inspiring! You must get a lot of pollinating visitors to your garden. Im excited to show more of my pollinators designs. The more I learn, the more inspired I am. Im so excited for your next book.

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  3. I lost my job about six years ago. Did bees offer to help? NO! It’ll be a cold day in Panama City before I help a bee…

    BTW, I did find a job… but with the help of a grasshopper. They are okay in my book.

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  4. Beautiful, very spring artwork! The black background truly makes the colors pop, just like springtime. They say to try to eat honey harvested in your local area due to health defense from local pollen.
    “Even the stork in the sky knows her appointed seasons, and the dove, the Swift and the thrush observe the time of their migration…” Jeremiah 8:7
    Hugs & honeycombs.

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  5. I love the bees. I even leave a bowl of water out for them during our extremely hot days here in Phoenix in the summer. I leave large rocks in the water so they don’t drown.When we leave town and our neighbor watches our place I remind them to leave water out for the birds and the bees. I hate when they go to our pool and drown, it is very upsetting to me. I even have my daughter spreading the word to save the bees at the school she teaches at. The little ones wanted to step on one last year and she ran over to stop them and then told them about how important they are. She brought books and coloring pages, now when the kids see a bee they all try to protect it, telling other kids to watch out for the bees. Love your art work, it is really pretty.

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    1. That is wonderful! Its fun to watch the bees and butterflies play and drink from the little baths. I always fee bad when the bees drown in our pool, too. Its fun to teach little ones of the importance of bees. Thank you! Your story it made me smile! 🐝💕


  6. Stunning design. Having had an apple orchard, I definitely know the importance of bees. We were lucky that we had a neighbor with hives so we always had bees buzzing in our orchard.

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  7. Lovely design, Lisa!! I cheer on every bee I see for the exact same reasons you’ve mentioned. 😄 Already saw them at work on my springflowers – always fills my heart with joy! 💕


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