Art Inspiration – When Fashion and Nature Collide

April Ladybird Art

There is so much inspiration to be found in nature. Our team has chosen several flowers, critters, and fashion to feature this month. For April, my choice was based on color and the need for spring to make its appearance. The pop of ladybug red, black and white, and sunshine yellow is a feast for the eyes especially after a long winter.

The pattern on Dominique’s coat and color resembles a ladybug and also pulls the vibrant red of the turban buttercup. I also think about the textile artists and fashion designers who use their art and craft to create beautiful clothing using plant, animal, and fibers to mimic these patterns and colors. Inspiration for textiles have been fundamental in creating clothing since the beginning of civilization.

Drawn in by the ladybug, or some, refer to it as the ladybird, I was easily captured by Dominique of 3C Style choice of fashion. Being inspired by Roda from Growing Self, her beautiful photo of the perfect ladybug on greens, and Darren from The Arty Plantsman, photos of his double-flowered forms of the Ranunculus or Turban Buttercup in red, white, and yellow, you can see how this look came together. From these, I was able to sketch and create art based on how closely Fashion and Nature come together. I was especially drawn to the silky appearance of the Turban Buttercup. For all of the April looks, make sure to visit the links above.

Below is one of my favorite Ladybug quotes in a free printable. For all of the fashionista’s, is one of my sketch’s from the art work above. These are for personal use only. Great for craft projects or art. Click on the link to download to your device.

Ladybug Fashion 5 x 7  and  Ladybugs Dance 8 x 10

Ladybugs Dance 8 x 10

Ladybug Fashion 5 x 7

Let nature inspire you!

Much love,



66 thoughts on “Art Inspiration – When Fashion and Nature Collide

  1. What a beautiful collage!!! I totally love how you all work together to create these wonderful posts about art, nature and fashion! The ladybug is of course one of my favorite bugs – I always smile when I find them on my flowers as they are nature´s police force against unwanted bugs 😉 That quote is so lovely! ❤

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Thank you so much!!! It truly has been an amazing experience. The ladybug is definitely one of our greatest defenders. As an artist yourself, you know how fun it is to use those red tones that are so full of life. I’m so glad you liked the quote, too! 😀❤

      Liked by 3 people

  2. Great sketch Lisa. It made me laugh when you first showed it to us. I’m trying to imagine Darren with sunglasses. It is so nice of you to have done this for us. Thank you. Stunning artwork. Your piece with the ladybird and oh my the drawing… Simply gorgeous. I want to dance among the flowers too! Much love to you my friend. xoxo

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thank you, Dominique! Your inspiration has touched my soul. The whimsical drawing of us was so fun. I just couldn’t help but add hats and sunglasses! Lol! I’m so pleased you like the sketches mixed in. Thank you my friend! Much love to you! 😍❤🌻

      Liked by 3 people

      1. I love it! I thought the hats and sunglasses were so cool. I also like the handbag you drew for me! It inspires me many ideas for our project. You are such a great team player. It’s fun to work with you. xoxo

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  3. Oh a gloomy cold day that is supposed to be Spring, your collage cheered me up no end! You’re right, there is always something in nature to inspire us. Thanks for the reminder with this lovely post!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hi Lisa– love the inspiration board– so bright and fun! And your ladybug poem!! I have a ladybug necklace I wear for the the grand-kids and a couple ladybug songs we sing, so I’m adding your happy poem to the mix. Such a great post Lisa! xox

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